Coming from a non-parent, but a human with a semi-common name (Sam), i have never understood “stealing names”.
Coming from a non-parent, but a human with a semi-common name (Sam), i have never understood “stealing names”.
Well Bob shouldn’t have done a fire-able offence then? especially 2 days before his pension, thats just idiotic.
This is the correct take. Ive always really liked Tanner, and hes always been a less popular, “more grown up” Ken Block IMO.
You seem to be forgettting the numbers difference.
Maybe a totaled BMW and a blown WRX engine/trans?
31 miles a day seems insane... presumably thats morning and evening combined. I live in one of the biggest towns (land wise) in MA, and i lived on the opposite side of town as my middle school... and no way did we do 31 miles a day.
700$ more expensive probably all went to the headlights. I wonder what the replacement cost will be.
Back in the mid 00s, not in the US. I thought it was the corolla everywhere, but some markest called it the “Blade” or “Auris” i guess?
or maybe not Japan only now that i look into it... but heres the wiki about it. Also called a “Blade” which i did not know about
It was a Japan only model from the mid 00's. it had nearly 300 HP IIRC
Toyota Corolla.
Absolutely not, and absolutely.
id love to see some photos for those of us who are banned from youtube at work :)
Racecars have long had “bent” windshields.
You say that, but they have 2 S1000RRs in their own press photo above. almost like a middle finger to motoGP
This is the first vette being offered RHD from the factory. I think it very well may be.
This is even funnier when you realize that BMW doesnt compete in motoGP.
I mean, it probably is. How many crashes are associated with the -200s that are caused by the plane itself in the past 20 years? Vs the MAX’s?
Or, get an amazon card, get 5% back on all amazon purchases, and buy it off amazon.
You must be fun at parties