
So if black man had done it instead of a white man, would this be news?

So should white people be offended when Black people do white music and act what they think is white?

Such BS...

You too bud!! You have no idea what security measures they had, what encryption etc... So you are just making assumptions. You know what they say about that right? Everything is hackable, it is all about how much time, energy and resources someone is willing to put into it.

So let’s change the analogy a little. If they broke in, in the middle of the night and robbed the place of all the medical records and hard drives, would the story be the same?

Yeah, cuz I am sure either IT department just sat there and watched them do it and did nothing.

Do you know a lot of clinics that have $700,000 just laying around?

Obviously you know very little about computers or security. In the last few years, Target has been hacked, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Microsoft etc... All companies who spend tens of millions on security. So how is a clinic who probably doesn’t even make tens of millions going to prevent being hacked?

You are a moron, plain and simple.

And it takes 2 second to remove most of those tips.

I don’t care if it a welfare check or thr freaking Ritz Carlton. You pull a gun and point it at me, I am putting you down. I know he was just a kid, but wouldn’t be the first time a kid shot and killed a cop (or someone else).

There were 963 shooting deaths by cops in 2016. 63 cops were also shot and killed in 2016. There is an average of 1.6 cops per 1,000 citizens. So to break it down, that is .0003% of the citizens killed by cops and .0122% of the cops killed by citizens.

Cowards? They go out on the street every day and put their lives on the line to protect the rest of us. I am sure if you had a gun in hand and someone was pointed one at you, you’d be like “hold on, let’s talk about this”. If you truly are dumb enough to say that, you’d probably be dead before you got the sentence

Here is some sarcasm. Why is this news, he is white.

Tranq’s can kill just as easily as a gun. The first time some dies, everyone is going to start screaming, the cop should have pull and reviewed his medical history before hitting him with a Tranq, he had a heart condition. Gas, really, yeah someone is pointing a gun at me and I am going to grab a can of gas and

Back in 97, I wrecked my car. The car caught fire and the doors wouldn’t open. There was no emergency release and the Jaws of Life had to open the door. Mine wasn’t news and I didn’t try to get 1. Whatever million from the car company. It was and still is normal.

Yeah, cause that is exactly what you need. A big red handle that every child or childish man would pull just to see what it did.

So if Comcast started charging you for streaming anything other than their services, you would be OK with that?

It is not a Jeep, not even a little bit. A Jeep is designed to be safe without the doors, a car is not. Without the door the crush zone of the car changes, the rollover protection also changes. I know in my state, if he attempted to drive that vehicle, he would be pulled over, written a ticket and the car towed.