Why should the taxpayer fund it when its not an essential government service and we have $1 Trillion deficits?
Why should the taxpayer fund it when its not an essential government service and we have $1 Trillion deficits?
If you think it’s so wonderful, why don’t YOU fund it and stop holding me up at gunpoint and demanding I pay for YOUR entertainment?
Not everything on PBS is worth funding.
So, you mean, immoral greedy fucks that just watch the PBS broadcasting without donating to it...? Oh, you are considering everyone else’s tax dollars as your donation... Got it.
Other people should be forced to fund something you enjoy?
Why don’t you and the people who enjoy it fund it? Either through advertisements or their shitty fund raisers?
I’m not entirely clear why there’s a need for government funded television anymore. What makes any of their programming different than what any other station can provide? There’s no reason those shows can’t be on other channels and vice-versa. In fact, some are.
Netflix makes some great shows without taking my tax money to do it.
Lets look at some PBS content to discover why some non-immoral non-greedy fucks want to defund federal spending on PBS:
You’re right, no greedy fucks in Hollywood could afford to fund it. Well, they’d ask for tax breaks first.
It absolutely should be defunded. While they do produce some quality programming, they are far from the only ones. Why spend taxpayer dollars on this when there is so much quality programming out there? What’s the point?
Bizzarley enough, David Koch is one of the big donors funding NOVA.
I wouldn’t look down on that.
Think about what. Im sorry you dont understand freedom of expression and how important it is no matter who is doing the expressing. The fact that you cannot grasp such a simple ideal shows you are the one that should be doing the thinking.
“We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”
Thats not how it works. When you start making excuses for violence against speech you get on a slippery slope.
Do you also think its ok to punch black people that say white people should all be killed?
The only thing very clear is how ignorant and wrong you are. The belief that Jews or Blacks should be cleansed is to be tolerated such as every other belief, no matter how disgusting it is and how much one disagrees with. Thinking this way puts you on a never-ending path to making excuses as to why hitting x person…
so basically its cool to have free speech but only if it agrees with everything he says.
Its not OK tho. Just because someone might have disgusting ideals that you disagree with doesnt mean you have the right to assault them.
I may disagree with anything and everything he says, but id die to defend his right to say it.
But he wasn’t carrying a licensed gun. In fact, he was a felon and forbidden from owning a gun.