
@aak7268: You're actually talking about Jessica JONES, which I would love to see in the movie especially if it meant having Luke Cage in it too. However, I don't think that's likely given the whole name recognition thing. Maybe we will see her in a possible Luke Cage solo movie.

The only way the USO thing works is if they have it be more of an unveiling than a performance. Like they introduce Cap to the troops at the end of a USO performance to show off their new super weapon; Cap bends some steel bars or something as a demonstration, and then all of a sudden they start taking mortar fire

@TheGreat&PowerfulTurtle: Haha, actually I think the donkey scene in Mallrats 2 was written much better than any of Smith's comics. I love his movies, he's great at what he does but doesn't seem to have a lot of range. To me the book essentially feels like Dante and Randall dressed up as Green Hornet and Kato. Same

@TheGreat&PowerfulTurtle: Matt Wagner's Year One book has been solid, but Kevin Smith's is total garbage. I could barely even get through the first issue.