
If that's what "bugs the shit out of you" in the aftermath of last night, have at it..


Exactly this. Exactly FUCKING this.

Our university president just sent out an email notice detailing that the 'election results last night were deeply felt by many' & then stressed how all 'students, faculty, staff, etc are welcome & supported…as human beings'.

Same. I mean, I was very disillusioned in 2004 & recall stating many times (even recently) that I couldn't believe that the country deemed W re-electable. This feels worse though. I'll add a voice to the chorus saying that this is somewhat out of nowhere as I never took DT seriously as a candidate & I also

I actually am a dual citizen (born in Canada, where I have a considerable amount of relatives on my father's side & now reside in upstate NY/near Cayuga Lake). I am married with two kids and it would be a tremendous undertaking to move north. In fact, when it comes down to it, it might not even be realistic in the

My wife looked at her phone this morning and discovered what had transpired while she slept last night. She asked me "is this a nightmare?". I don't even recall what I said exactly but hopefully it was "yes".

I really didn't think it was realistic either. I think I saw Nate Silver on ABC pronounce that DT was at least a narrow favorite at some point around 10:15 and I felt like my whole world flipped. I'm still utterly stunned. Oh, there's some anger for sure, but I haven't really moved on from shock yet.

The Clientele - Rain
Beck - The Golden Age
New Pornographers - Mass Romantic
Cheap Trick - He's a Whore
Television Personalities - Silly Girl
Pavement - Rattled by the Rush
Vaselines - Molly's Lips
Harry Nilsson - Many Rivers to Cross (J.Cliff cover - really resonated today)
Billy Bragg & Wilco - Walt Whitman's Niece

'If anyone's got anything, hell, let's hear it.'

Still in shock here too. Absolute shock.

A truly awful night.

I think he'll be ok.

I recall his idea about tipping where he basically laid a stack of bills on the table (representing the maximum possible tip) & then proceeded to remove bills whenever he wasn't pleased. When the server delivered some news that disappointed him, I remember him saying "Ouch" and reaching for another bill, ha.

I look forward to that too. I feel like last year's mix wasn't quite as good as the year prior, but it was still good enough.

Better (widespread) IPA than Torpedo at that general price point? I haven't found it.

Same. To me, the entirety of Piper & Barrett's early singles (from Relics) are probably my favorite part of PF's discography. His solo albums are often given the backwards compliment of being "interesting" or "worth the effort", but I genuinely love those too.

Barrett era-Floyd is more the antithesis of what progressive rock eventually became & is oft lampooned for, really. I like the rest of Floyd just fine, but their first album had a quality that their subsequent releases just didn't.

NBC had Thursday night football this week? When did this become a thing?

It really was. The filmmaker(s) did an effective job of demonstrating the panic and then the subsequent fan menace in the wake of the foul ball.