
That might be the best song of his post-Pavement run thus far.

Is Legend really the extent of most peoples' Bob Marley collections? There is a bevy of really, really great stuff that folks are missing out on if so.

Mazzy's debut has held up well too imo. Hope Sandoval's voice is always welcome.

Was it called Sirens? I feel like it might have been Sirens. I will have to check it out again whatever the name though.

That funky monkey?

She was the glue of Spacecamp though.

No time for love, Dr. Jones?

True. Tom Selleck is taller though.

It took me more than a few months to even be ready to listen to it (I missed that brief window between the LP release & David Bowie's passing) but I was absolutely floored when I finally did. Blackstar is a fantastic achievement.

I've only seen the first installment (that aired on ABC a month plus ago) but it was one of the better documentaries I'd seen in some time & I think it easily transcended anything else I'd seen done under ESPN's 30 for 30 umbrella. I was wowed.

It's a phenomenal album. Phenomenal might sell it short honestly & I can't imagine anything arises to challenge it for album of the year in the estimations of most.

I'll give him 'generically' & 'white' at least.

Still Murphy Brown imo but it's oh so close..

This might be favorite comment within the whole thread & I wish I knew more as well.

Big Star - September Gurls
The Residents - Boots
John Cale - Adelaide
Nancy Sinatra/Lee Hazlewood - Some Velvet Morning
Gene Clark - Strength of Strings
Meat Puppets - Up on the Sun
Luna - Astronaut
BOWIE - Queen Bitch (live) from Bowie @ the Beeb
Big Star - The Ballad of El Goodo; two by them
Arthur Russell - Nobody Wants a

Great song, agreed.

JSBX/Beck upvote

Jeez, I know Legend is ubiquitous but I'd think that collection would only whet one's appetite (for more Marley) rather than satisfy it.

Lame tracks? Tom Petty? Does not compute..

Ha, it does seem that way. The only one I ever had was "Singles" (on cassette!) which was sort of my gateway.