
'You reek of (blasphemy)…'

I'd probably recommend Low > Heroes to the relative newbie but the sheer majesty of the full title track of your suggested LP alone has me rethinking that.

No no - you've got too many kings.

Did you watch this episode though? To each her/his own obviously, but I couldn't fathom walking away from the show after an episode that strong. From the direction to the performances, it was truly fantastic imo.

I always liked My Iron Lung off that same album.

Is there really a roller coaster nearby?

'Sit down, Zibbo!'

Like the Batman villain??

Oh, thank goodness.

They don't have big bowls.

Whoa, tap the brakes a little there. Dozens?

He'll be held accountable one of these days.

Lose the 'h'. It's snappier.

It's for all of us.

That does seem like an extreme miscarriage of entertainment justice. I wouldn't have believed it, honestly. George is probably on the top of the shortlist for best character in situation comedy history to me.

I know things about pigeons, Lily.

(laughs) "You're not Ted Danson…"

She's a 40+ year old woman in Hollywood. Sort of sadly, she really can't.

That's totally him from that Richard Pryor/Gene Wilder movie where they're respectively blind & deaf. Really good call.
Hold up - symmetry!

'(P)unk, Gutter…'
Oh right, it sucked for both genres.