It almost certainly is The Smiths, right? In terms of the actual material and their subsequent influence I would think they would be something of a slam dunk, really.
It almost certainly is The Smiths, right? In terms of the actual material and their subsequent influence I would think they would be something of a slam dunk, really.
Come on, don't be cruel.
I think he's at the top of the newsletter.
'..the originals were kind of retroactively diminished by the recent ones'
It's not too early in the game?
That is a tasty burger.
'we did the midnight premiere of Sith which was an awesome experience.'
Besides the movie itself, you mean?
Yeah, that sketch is almost a (relatively) mature extension of vintage Mr. Show in a lot of ways. Hilarious obviously but serious pathos there.
The whole 'Tandy' thing still might be the best part of the show, imo. Never tire of that.
'That's gotta hurt!'
Not according to Kevin McReynolds.
No? She's one of the greats.
Well, that and pizza!
I might have known…
That's what they used to call him back in high school!
As a fellow SWC enthusiast, I'd have gone with 'Shut your dirty little mouth!'
Different parenting styles, I guess.
What kind of woman drinks a whole box of wine?
'How about a little music?'
(turns on car radio)
Hold up - you're not?
Gosh, they couldn't be cuter though.