Evil Lincoln

Reminds of back in the day when the Chicago Tribune would not allow ads for an XXX film named A Cunning Stunt, despite allowing ads for other porn films.

Right like, Sharon, maybe you should be mad about those grabbers and their lack of apologies in lieu of giving Spacey a free pass because.. guys got away with it on you? Shouldn’t you be madder at Spacey because you’ve been through that type of shit?

Her point is hardly legible.”

Shit is so funny to me. What does she want to have happen here? What action should be taken and by whom? There’s no Grand High Cancellation Council that is refusing to hear his appeal.

Lady Business Landmass.  That way if anyone asks you what you mean, you can awkwardly pretend that its where the woman-owned accounting firm your company uses is incorporated.

You want it to sound respectable you call it ‘Minge Atoll’.

Disbelief. “That has to mean something else, right??”

extremely funny to be like ‘i was surprised to see women turned off by the name “pussy island”

That’s why it’s full steam ahead for the adaptation of Jeter in Butt Land, which was written down, and thus has respectable literary antecedents:

As a kid, we thought it was hilarious! 

I wasn’t quite yet alive when it came out, so I’ve always been super curious what the public’s reaction to the title Octopussy was.

Aren’t profilers wrong more often than they're right? 

Gizmodo is now using, so notifications being back would only fit the trend.

Watched the documentary on him and I was left gobsmacked... by how big of a dick he was! He apparently hated Jim Morrison; calling him a no-talent dork, and he had a very, very inflated sense of his importance in the pantheon of rock and roll history. At the filming of the documentary he had alienated almost all of

Back when the Etheridge/Crosby sperm donation story first broke the local morning DJs where I grew up, Tommy & Rumble, did a song parody about it to the tune of “Love the One You’re With.” Since I can’t find the song to post here, you’ll have to settle for the only part I remember.

I think that when Melissa Ethridge chose David Crosby as the sperm donor for her kid, called it “the first case of child abuse to happen prior to conception.” A killer line.

Honestly “Julie Cypher” is a much cooler rock-star name.

Is this that surprising? I know he wasn’t exactly Mr. Universe, but dude was a famous rock star. Even for rock stars he was particularly known for living with several women at once (and writing songs about it the Byrds were too embarrassed to sing, but Grace Slick wasn’t) and getting dumped by Joni Mitchell for

a pretty big Con, considering one of her kids conceived with his sperm ended up dying of an overdose.

“it might be one of those things that didn’t need to be shared in a public forum.” says a forum that chooses to share the thing in public.