
And the hatred continues. Where’s all that tolerance the left talks so much about? Y’all still haven’t figured it out, have you? This is exactly why Trump was elected. Because people are tired of this shit. The pathetic name-calling, preaching tolerance but having none for anyone who disagrees with you, the constant

Are all your posts going to be this whiny crybaby shit for the next four years or are you going to actually try to write something relevant in the future.

The silent majority, working middle class didn’t trust the media, the polls, or pundits during this election to begin with. So yeah.

God you guys are just the worst. You what? Want the tech industry to be outraged by Donald Trump winning? The tech industry that pays the highest corporate tax rates in the world and has been bullied the past 8 years into giving away their trade secrets because Big Gubment insists? And a candidate who wants to

Still undecided? Let me help:

I hover because I don’t want some judgmental asshole deciding I’m “neglectful” and calling the cops. It’d be a waste of resources on an already taxed system, bro.