
Their uniforms predate the Nazis, but nice try there Goodwin.

Yeah I completely get it, sometimes you get a bad penny, it’s two sides are bad luck and fuck you up. Cops are like people, people like Harvey Keitel.

Let someone else do it for a change. What is the bloody point of NATO if we do everything?

1. To say this was my favorite weekly column on Gawker is an understatement. Despite the memetic abundance of B and C grades, your reviews were fun to read and sparked excellent movie discussions down in the comments. I also loved how much emphasis you put on smaller independent and foreign gems we would barely hear

I give this goodbye a solid 27 out of purple.

Concurred. I’ve never seen a blog bleed to death before.

So much great writing leaving. So much Sam Biddle staying.

Thank God. Good riddance. The thing I miss most are Daulerio’s year end lists mocking Grierson’s preposterous taste in movies

It went from snarky and sleazy to dickish and slimy.

These are definitely some good points, I finally made it to the Combat Zone the other night and just walking into the building made every raider aggro towards me. Like how does that make any narrative sense? Every raider i meet knows who I am and automatically wants to kill me? I wanted to watch the fight and thought

“Doth I read an article making mild jest of a known and rather amusing quirk of a head coach? Well then I must retort with a deflection toward a completely unrelated subject regarding a completely unrelated team. O, how pithy mine wit be!”

It means they’ve done a great job crate-training Gronk.

Gronkowski, on the other hand, remained Dopey.

It’s also the only piece of furniture in his whole apartment.

Brotherhood of Steel


If you go by the standard metric system prefixes, it would take 1 million microaggressions to equal one aggression.

Wow, a whole 2 weeks (near) the top! That’s definitely the same thing as becoming an Alabama level powerhouse!

Boston’s the ultimate bandwagon town. If any of the schools ever got real good, there’d suddenly be an instant explosion of lifelong fans.