River Joint
River Joint
I live in Vegas. The appeal disappears when you live here. Although rent is cheap, I guess.
^Winner. Everyone else go home.
Chinooks are (unloaded) the fastest helicopter in service if I recall correctly.
If you are doing less work due to outside assistance I don't understand how, semantics aside, you are better at what you are doing. You may be no worse, but certainly no better.
This is like saying aiming-assist in a game like call of duty makes you a better call of duty shooter.
I almost went for the cayman just this weekend. But i couldnt get over how a m235 would be more fun and more practical on a daily basis...maybe 3 years from now i'll get a more optioned-out cayman.
This game is gonna give me a heart attack ack ack ack.
oh god now im even more impatient for my 235. Thanks. July will be a long month
god i hate kinja so much.
I want to see Running Man type consequences for poor CEO performance, then you can pay em all the dollars.
I might be more accepting of outrageous executive pay if the notion upon which it was based - outrageous amounts of authority and responsibility - was actually upheld. But when you pay an executive 300 million a year and she/he demonstrates incompetence and/or shady decision-making and ethics on a chronic basis with…
You mean you fold in 1 of every 2 post-season appearances?
Thank you, I get so sick of people telling me there is fiberglass in it.
must l2html...
Well that's what I mean, they intimidated you through fear and shame, instead of respect and awe. I was always in awe of my father and his force of personality and I respected that; intimidated, but not in a negative sense. The same as if you were in the presence of some great benevolent leader or scientific mind. …
So neither of your parents every intimidated you, either purposely or by default?
I'm convinced that most of the Cardinals hate comes from the coasts and not the Midwest.
Next up in the Puig Pipeline: Yasiel Puig Shits, Takes Picture with Shit