
Just looking for the motivation. You're the one who can't face facts. You've had them laid out for you, and you still can't accept them. There are studies out there that completely refute every claim you've made, john even admitted it, or are you going to argue with him too? What side does that make you on? You don't

What other explanation could we have for the lying and the hypocritical douchbaggery? I know the white guilt weighs heavy on you, but obviously you're gunning for something. Even white guilt has its limits Daddy is obviously lookin' for some lovin'

Wow.. see when you need to start lying to support your argument, it's pretty much over at that point child. Even john admitted that women who dedicated themselves to their work like a man is expected to do, made as much or more than a man did.

That's not the argument and it's little surprise that you're trying to paint it as that. It's not that if women were men, it's that if people work the same regardless gender, they're paid the same. Your argument is "Yeah..but.uhuhuhuhuhuh I'm ashamed to be a white guy..and a hundred years ago someone was oppressed so

The argument has been constructed, i've done everything but draw a picture for you. I could break out the crayons, but I fear it would be above your level.

Still can't answer the question? What a surprise. Did you not just quote your own studies? Let me quote you: "Second, study after study has also shown gender bias in hiring and promotion. "

You still didn't answer the question. A or B? Who gets the higher pay raise? Afraid to answer it? I never even said what gender they were, but I can imagine you've already assigned them in your head.

Blah blah blah.. I see you've basically conceded the argument. You're repeating the same garbage that's already been disproved. Even King John had to admit that women in a certain age bracket make more than men when they actually work for it.

Don't blame society for the choices you and your partner make. Men are more likely to be promoted because families are more likely to make the decision that men are the ones who focuses on their careers. Companies promote people and give bigger raises to people who prioritize work. News at 11. The "thing" that creates

Given the fact that ol johnny boy screwed the pooch on his gender pay gap segment last year, I hope they're stepping up the research this year. Perhaps it would be nice if they linked all their research from their site. I like John, I've found him extremely funny, and I was with him on every show up until that