

I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention isn’t even top 100?!? INTERVENTION! INTERVENTION!

How do you have The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention not ranked higher? It is one of the all time best episodes. I challenge you to a duel!

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.

Good on Gates taking the high road but... yeah, fuck that. That was a little more than mere lower body impact.

Trevor Noah has improved, but Seth Meyers has been doing this longer. I feel like years of weekend update was practice for stuff like this.

Take anyone successful at standup comedy and they will mop the floor when handling a buffoon.

alternate headline:

Also, Prescott would not have been playing behind one of the best O-Lines in football and handing the ball off to the rookie of the year (also related to that Offensive line) in San Francisco.

“Challenge accepted”

Oh come on, their schticks are different. Both fun? Absolutely! Both love to showboat? Heavens yes. But McAfee can’t ride no pony.

Fuck that. If I’m on the low ground, that just puts me at ball-punching height. No issues with taking an openly presented sack attack under these circumstances. No dumb shit at a football game who gets into a fight is going to remember my lack of honor in combat once the Coors wears off, anyway.

as a crohnie, i’d like to say this makes me hate goodell more

The gif that keeps on giffing

My testicles are vibrating with boundless energy for I am deeply excited to see Jerrum Gwelfph do good passes with his friends.

In difficult times such as these, it’s nice to see Americans go back to the one unifying, unambiguously good past-time that has lasted them for over 240 years: kicking the shit out of the Irish.

No, fuck you. Bc of that, Donald won.