
The funny thing about alcohol is that it works in FAVOR of boys— “he was just drunk, boys will be boys, everybody does it”— but it works AGAINST girls— “why was she drinking in the first place? how much did she have to drink? was she a regular drinker?”

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

I know, right? It’s like, there’s being an asshole, there’s being a colossal asshole, there’s fifty miles of epic assholerdom, and then there’s this fucking shit. She’s not even trying to hide it.

So what the fuck is the individual citizen to do? I’ve lived beneath the poverty line most of my goddamn life and I’ve barely enough resources to support my family. I live in AK (a Red state) so I know that my phone call to Murkowski was just a waste and the only thing I’m doing when I argue with my Red neighbors is

I think about this everyday. On the outside I am a fairly successful attorney/writer working in nonprofit in DC. I volunteer, I went to law school as a second career late in life. I travel extensively and I’m a photographer who takes pretty good wildlife shots.

ask this guy.

Louis C.K. at least on some level seemed sort of contrite, but fuck Jeffrey Tambor. It won’t stop me from watching AD bc I love all the other actors aside from him and David Cross and don’t feel their careers should suffer from it (same with HOC, I never watched that though). Franken is probably the one I have the

Great writing.

“this clearly doesn’t affect me... some women are bothered by this”

Only one way to be sure! I’ll be sending out emails to all his colleagues/partners today expressing my rage disappointment.

Why would you post such a large image of Ben Shapiro. Why have you done this to all of us.

This 1000x. I grew up in a liberal town in the Northeast, went to one of the most liberal colleges in the country. I now live in NYC and work in media. Of all women friends and co-workers from my whole life who are married, I count 3 who haven’t changed their names (4 including me), and 2 hyphenates. And I know a

Um, it’s more than a little judgemental, I fully recognise that. I wish I felt differently but I just don’t. There are always Reasons but you don’t think it’s funny that those reasons always end with women taking their husbands’ names? Lots of men hate their fathers, but seemingly not enough to result in enough men

I remember seeing a quote last year somewhere that said: 

Stupid yes, but also pretty racist.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

It worked for Miriam Maisel, so why not Meghan Markle?

I’ve never really wanted kids, but I can only imagine how painful it must be for a woman (and her partner) to discover that her much-wanted pregnancy is not going to result in a healthy baby and that the best decision for her and what she hoped would some day be her baby is to end the pregnancy. I wish all pregnancies

Whatever chucklefuck first decided that abortion is the moral equivalent of murder, and that late-term abortions are tantamount to inhumane medical treatment should have been burned at the stake.