Is there somewhere we can read these testimony transcripts in full? I’d like to print one out and mail one to Larry Nassar every goddamn day for the rest of his miserable shitstain of a life.
Is there somewhere we can read these testimony transcripts in full? I’d like to print one out and mail one to Larry Nassar every goddamn day for the rest of his miserable shitstain of a life.
“Wait, we can swear?” - the previous 157 victims
A possibly bigger problem is men are socialized to pursue sex from women and taught by the culture at large that it’s acceptable and even imperative that they ignore any signs of discomfort or reluctance because “she’ll come around” or w/e.
So that incredibly detailed story along with his confirmed phone number and apology isn’t enough? She needs to be outed and have people know who she is simply because she had the audacity to tell someone that Aziz Ansari engaged in sexual misconduct with her? Gross.
What matters a little less is whether what he did was “misconduct.” I’m leaning toward he’s kind of a pushy asshole, not a date-rapist.
Not to mention that she is a very credulous person and is responsible for a tremendous amount of human suffering; to cover a short list, she is responsible for Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, countless other snake oil peddlers, and promoting all sorts of woo that has terrible consequences.
“we all know that Oprah would probably be a great president”
billionaires cannot be trusted and we should not clamor to elect them, even if they’re Oprah.
Did you get to Giants Causeway? More evidence of how beautiful Ireland is.
It warms my cold Celtic heart to see this profiled here. It really is a spectacular event given that it was built so precisely thousands of years ago so as to allow the inner chamber to be flooded with sunlight on the solstice. I’ve been as a school kid but not during the solstice. Would LOVE to though. Hashtag older…
Also, brief plug: Landis specifically said that AMC studios is on board for a season 3, and that they just need a distibutor - when season 2 comes out on Netflix in January, play through the whole series if you can on a background browser tab to push up the viewcount (and of recommend it to friends and fam who might…
At least it had a goddamn delightful finale. I’m genuinely kinda mad about this one, though - they were really laying some crazy seeds towards the end of this season. Friedkin’s character redemption (and subsequent apotheosis) coupled with Ken’s descent into villain territory would’ve been wonderful to see played out…
I agree, it’s disconcerting to see everyone pile on the actresses involved in his movies and none of the male actors. Kate is certainly in the wrong here, but why does she have to atone for Allen’s behavior any more than the men working with him?
Oops. Wrong Biblical G-name.
That’s my point. Just because there are even more devastating situations going on in the world doesn’t make that one not worth working on.
I’m mostly vegetarian, often vegan and sometime pescitarian (because WTF are labels if we all just do the best we can or want to do). I also volunteered for many years at a high-kill animal control facility and fostered many pups and kits. Vegan shelter pets? NO. NO. NO. Shelters have enough to deal with and too…