life ain’t easy for a boy named “Sue”
life ain’t easy for a boy named “Sue”
What if it’s the traditional values that are degenerating Western society, hmm?
Good! Fuck traditional values. Traditional values mean no gay marriages... mean no abortion rights... I mean, if we’re REALLY gonna run with it, depending on just how traditional you wanna get, traditional values also means women and POC can’t vote and slavery is still a thing.
Sanders neglected to provide any evidence to back up her claim of deliberate lying on the part of the media.
Cline does not “admit to having been an abusive partner.” She admits to behavior you view as abuse and she does not. Defining “abuse” as a twenty-year-old putting keystroke-recording software on her own computer, which her thirty-three-year-old partner sometimes used, so that she could establish that he was cheating…
Vote. Fucking vote. You have to fucking vote.
This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.
There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of…
I see where you are coming from. I really do.
I will be THAT person:
“I desperately wanted to keep the situation from escalating.”
Am I the only one who would prefer all of these creeps NOT apologise? It’s not like anyone is gaining anything from the perfunctory ‘I’m sorry if anyone felt bad, I need to soul-search and realise how truly amazing I am - so amazing that I don’t need to rape!’
Excellent pic choice.
To be fair, at least Andrew Jackson had enough balls to kill a guy for calling his wife fat. Trump just tweets back 3rd-grade-bully insults behind his army of Secret Service agents.
As multiple people have already explained to you, this show finished filming over a month ago and was a flop as soon as it premiered even earlier than that. Everyone associated with it has already long since moved on. People who are getting hired on a CBS primetime drama aren’t going to have trouble finding other…
Not ego. Clinical Narcicism.
I will perpetually hate Avatar for one reason (over all the other ones): Unobtainium.
“I think it’s all kind of silly, really, that we’re having this discussion 20 years later.”
But isn’t this basically the same argument the other side uses to try to dismiss the accusations?