
Even easier: just assume all men are probably trash until proven otherwise. That’s basically where I live these days.

Is it this face? It’s this face, isn’t it.

Sweet jesus, do I respect your choices here. I work with a chick who WILL. NOT. LET ME. LEAVE her Lularoe facebook group. I keep trying and she keeps re-adding me. When I told her I wasn’t into supporting MLMs, she was *very offended* and has assured me that she’s made back all of her money and then some.
Great. Good

Honestly giving you a star *just* for your name & pic combo. :)

Also, there are apps for google chrome that will make websites think you’re places you aren’t... ;)

WUT. I had no idea! I hang my head in shame.

I was able to just become a sustaining member of my local PBS station ($5/month) to have access to all seasons through the PBS website.

This company is THE WORST to deal with. I work for a company that provides a service most offices use that requires an installation of our equipment. I once had a WeWork employee drag their feet on signing a contract with me. Three days before the requested installation date, I was still requesting a signature. At

Beat me to it!

Xander definitely didn’t start out as amazing, though. Go back and watch the first season — he’s a little shit.

NOT COOL. Some of us can’t stay up late enough to watch Project Runway on the night it airs! COME ON. I thought spoiler alerts were RULE #1 for the internet in 2017!

A THOUSAND PERCENT THIS. My sister is adopted, but we’re both coincidentally gingers. People looooooooove to tell us how alike we look! Practically twins, they say! It’s so obvious that we’re sisters! We must both take after our (ginger) father!
Of course, I’m the spitting image of my mother, just with different

Nope, you chose wisely. Personally, I liked Avatar a lot more when it was called Fern Gully: The Last Rain Forest.

Oh dear lord, ALL OF THIS. I’m hoping, aside from also being kick-ass and awesome, this will be the very necessary mix up the show needs to become interesting again.

Bah! I’m always forgetting about Northanger!

Ah, Rudd, that ageless bastard. I swear he bathes in unicorn blood.

Mr. Knightly leaves them ALL in the dust.

Ah, the 80s. It’s a wonder so many of us actually survived.

“Looked at me like I was Ted Bundy” is one of the greatest descriptions I’ve ever heard and made me laugh out loud at my desk at 7am. Thanks, I’m stealing it. :)

No, Hogwarts is tuition-free, silly!