
Bah, beat me to it!

Why are we always using Darcy as the standard by which all Austen men should be judged? DARCY IS THE WORST. Give me a Knightly any day.

Coming here to add precisely this.

As a resident of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I’d just like to say FUCK PAT TOOMEY IN HIS STUPID FACE.

This is probably neither here nor there, but it’s driving me nuts.

That’s a former TV personality turned politician I can genuinely get behind.

I think it was Margaret Cho who had a really great stand up bit about sort of the opposite of this — working really hard to lose weight so a guy who had previously rejected her would finally go out with her, then realizing that, now that she loved her thighs, she was actually way better than that guy to begin with.

I actually have some insider info on this! My brother is a ticket broker in the DC area. For both of Obama’s inaugurations, people were offering him absurd amounts of money for “extra” tickets that just didn’t exist. For Trump’s, he’s offering free extra tickets to anyone who purchases them.

I spent way too much time yesterday trying to explain this to people I know and love who are now touting her as this progressive liberal goddess. Their arguments all hinged entirely upon this move to NBC and a single interview she did with Fresh Air recently.

My sister told me last week that she really wanted to see it. I told her I’d seen the preview easily 50 times and still had no. fucking. idea. what the movie was about.
My sister’s estimation (she’s an educator, by the way)?
“Will Smith’s kid dies, so he writes a bunch of letters to death.”

“Jason Seaver was a stay at home dad and practicing psychiatrist who worked from home, allowing his wife Joanna to go back to work.”

Ha, that’s the season I was referring to.

I binged this entire season in one sitting, despite the growing intensity of the idiot shivers and the involuntary groans of embarrassment I was experiencing. Still, I continued to tell Netflix that I was, indeed, still alive and to keep playing this putrid garbage until I did.

Ok, I was waiting for someone to comment this because I think everyone gets super confused. There are Kraft Singles-type prepackaged and usually individually wrapped American cheese and then there is the American cheese you get from the deli counter and is sliced and packaged like any other deli cheese. These are two

Is said shitty suburb in DelCo? Because Fuck DelCo.

I was doing the same thing this weekend! And my brain nearly exploded when, in a video he was asked to make by the ghosts of Richard Nixon and Sammy Davis, Tracy asked Blackmerica to support Republicans so they can build a wall and keep Mexicans out.

I’ve been saying since this theory came up that, if it’s true, I’m going to be angry because, if nothing else, it’s just terrible fucking casting. Ed Harris and McPoyle (he’ll never be anything else to me) DO NOT look like the same person in the least and, with all the effort this show puts into minute details, I have

As a Philadelphian, this is ordinarily the sort of comment I’d reflexively feel the need to defend my city from. In this instance, though, I think you might be on to something... :)

I don’t know if this is any comfort, but the Harambe thing was debunked...

Oh god. I’m just getting through all the comments on this post today and sweet jesus, you have me close to tears at my desk. Bubby Kitty. :(