
when Savitar is fighting Barry in the park, they momentarily leave Iris unattended.

it won't happen immediately. he's fired too many people, too quickly. i'm sure he's been given advice that firing people all the time makes him look like an incompetent leader.


we all thought that about Lost as well.

anything is possible with this show at this point - and that's kind of part of the problem. i'd prefer a bit more definition at six episodes in - especially with this being a 10 episode season.

presumably pariah is put at such a distance from sweetwater so that anyone who travels there does so willfully acknowledging the risk of violence.

i'm from buenos aires and i say kill 'em all

Nausicaa feels really thematically simplistic - although it has some narrative gems in there. Mononoke is its more sophisticated sister.

the wind rises wasn't revisionist -in fact, it's not even clear if you've seen it. it's just that the focus of the film was quite narrow, on a single person. and while details of his life were fictionalized, the broader strokes of the war and its consequences for japan definitely were not fictionalized.

this issue, of her not recognizing that she looks like the man who slept with her, is sort of explained away by her lack of vanity -she probably already had body dysmorphia as a child, due to her difficulty establishing her male/female impulses.

choices for healthier living!

it's not more efficient to hide in lockers -stupidly hiding in lockers in order to deal with personal fear paralysis is something that should happen in the first couple of hours -through the medical ward at least - but after that, it doesn't really make for an "efficient" gameplay strategy.

this is precisely how i felt about the game. i almost avoided lockers -it slowed the game down, for one thing, and weren't necessary to avoid the alien.

if it had been so easy, why hadn't anyone made a proper alien game before? smh.

i think i mentioned specifically that you don't need to hide in lockers. you can be more flexible with your tactics. but the writer chose to hide in the lockers, and that's his deal.

that would be a great concept for a game

but there's a *reason* you spend time in lockers -it's because the game so effectively scares you into them. but frankly the writer is overly fixated on the lockers. if you're a smart player, there are always a number of different ways to hide from the alien -under desks, behind overturned beds, in a dark corner. the

nothing is mentioned of the sound design and atmosphere -and how these two elements are so well done. the game is effective, and superior to other horror games, because it effectively puts you in the emotional headspace of the main character -the feeling of being terrorized, constantly, by an apex predator, while

tony almeida wasn't blown up by a drone missile

they probably filmed all of her CIA site stuff together, and her on-location stuff separately.