
This is probably going to be the first JRPG in a while that I’m going to try to play all the way through, so I’m hoping the story isn’t too cliché and bland. For reference, I tried to get into FFXV, but the dialog was so cringeworthy and the story was so one note that I couldn’t drag myself through it.

Yeah, I think Vaan was really the only misfire of that game. But it does so much right, and its other characters are so good that it levels out.

Who cares if one character isn’t interesting, and he’s not even the main character. I’ve always found the hate for Vaan to be a really weak criticism.

I had no idea that the gameplay involved ‘programming’ your party, that sounds fun as hell. Even though I don’t really like the Ivalice ‘feel’, I’m sold.

I had this exact thought awhile back! They could even use the Phoenix Force like some kind of X-Factor. As much as the story was kinda crap the premise was fun!

Can’t argue the edit looks pretty slick. On another note why not just lean completely to a Marvel fighter? Marvel couldn’t be hotter right now and could you imagine if they were able to do an Avengers vs X-men game this go around..

My reaction to this is a big, fat MEH. FFXV was so underwhelming. Such wasted potential. What they should have done is focus on getting it right the first time by giving us a camera that worked properly, combat that didnt feel all over the place, a meaningful, well developed story with proper character development, a

Fuck Mega Bloks.


You shut your mouth.