
There have been a handful of adventures created over the years that were meant for a single player and a single DM. Fighter’s Challenge and Wizard’s Challenge were two from AD&D 2nd Edition. More recently, there were some D&D 3.5 compatible adventures from Expeditious Retreat Press that features a whole series called

Prices for all the licensed content will be the same, barring an occasional sale that has to be approved in advance. With FG you can get a $4/mo sub or a $10/mo sub which is about the same as Roll20's two subs that give you the full features and storage space. Our DMG module from Wotc is 123MB all on its own, so a

It’s available on Fantasy Grounds already. :)

You can roll multi-dice. Just drag each set of dice you need to the hotkey bar to build whatever combo you need. Most attacks automatically roll multiple dice anyway from the action tab and additionally add the type of damage so that it can determine how the bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage is applied, along

A tip is to drag the window shortcut down to your hotkey bar. Just close the window to free up the space and click on the hotkey bar or use the F1-F12 keys to bring it back up. Otherwise, stretch across two monitors if you need everything up at once.