
Carly Fiorina should be President, as she embodies the American Dream. She was a failed CEO of a major corporation, got run out on a rail by shareholders, got kicked off the McCain campaign and was picked over for Sarah Palin(!) as the VP nominee, and was a failed Senate candidate who lost by double-digits despite

Thank god someone in this country is will to ask the question “but how do white people feel right now?”

Yes, Bristol, you’re absolutely right. The police who dragged a 14-year-old out of school in handcuffs for building a science project and subjected him to hours of racist interrogation without allowing him access to a lawyer or his parents are the real victims here. The police and white people everywhere. Can’t put

Harley’s are awesome and 100% awesome attention to detail,
Except all the engineering into the construction, design, effectivity of the drive train, build materials and fuck what is left? Uh man!! Style I like its style.
Also fuck BMW because they don’t pay attention to detail or some other none sense.