Piece of Smit

Hey Tim! First time, long time. Anyway you can get me out of the greys? I’ve thought most of you guys are pieces of shit for awhile now, especially Burneko. Thanks in advance, asshole.

I like your dumb comment to length ratio

This tread is teeming with assholes like you today

Hahahahahahahaha. What a complete asshole

Bro, you’re gonna have to delete this comment, it doesn't match with this sites slanted narrative.

Hahaha, man you’re a loser

Bullshit right!! Could you imagine having to show your ID to do something as important as vote. Can you BELIEVE these people

It’s basically corporate espionage. Which is a big deal based on how valued these teams are. As usual you want to pick and choose which rules and laws are ok and which should be ignored. everyone at this blog is so pathetic.

Your kinja name is very fitting

Calm down and suck a dick. Seriously, you need to get laid, you sound some uptight and awful.

Assumptions are fun, right!?!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. That’s the best take yet. Lon live the process. Deadspin,and expecially Burneko, can suck every single Sixers fans balls.

Deadspin isn't afraid to take the low hanging fruit

GMO’s aren't bad for you. Plus, go outside and live a little, you sound crazy.

lol you don't even know my name muchacho. Would a history degree suffice? Or should I go fuck myself?

Na, because I'm better than you. Don't need to prove it on dumb ass kinja

You are a complete imbecile.

You lack the testicular fortitude to be a proud American

Fuck Cuba.

You are an imbecile. Among all the bullshit nonsense you just wrote, the one about liberals being against labor unions is expecially funny. Dem/libs are always always always in favor a unions. You dumb fuck