Piece of Smit

Fuck this crazy lady. Fuck Jezebel. Fuck all you cunty whores that finger yourselves to the garbage

You hope his life is in ruins?? Get a fucking life you loon

I favorited this only because I truly find this to be hilarious. Thanks for the laugh

You must be a genius. Thanks for gracing us with your wisdom


You figured it out, man. Thanks

Fuck you greg, you pathetic piece of shit.

Anyone want to mention the part where he was astonished a black man would talk to him like that? Imagine if a white guy could believe another white man was taking like that? This blog and comment section would be on fire. A black man couldn't possibly be racist, right!?!?!


Have you never seen a takeout slide? Or for that matter, baseball? His arm is over the bag, not remotely out of the base path at all. The slide was late, that’s it. I’m sure Utley was thinking while on first, “that leg is as good as broken.” Also look at your screenshot again, tejada puts himself in danger by

Suck a dick, Kevin. Also, please relay this message to Burneko and Howard. They need multiple dicks in their mouths

This is unmitigated crap. I hate Greg Howard. What a loser

Wow, what a pretentious responds. You sir are an asshole

So the alternative is poor body language and lack of hustle. He got called out, and rightfully so, but bc its papelbon who’s a nut, we all must side with him. Harper instigated the fight after the reprimand and all papelbon did was accept his challenge. God damnit everyone on here are just never ending hypocrits.

so no one else read Harper’s lips? “Step up, let’s fucking going go” and paps did. He didn’t think he would and paps is crazy enough to stand up to Harper, who Buttneko thinks can do and say whatever he wants bc he's good. Paps ain't having it. Loved it

Fuck you samer

It’s the deadspin way of reporting sexual assault cases. They always write there post condemning the accuser with no evidence to support their claim other than word of mouth. Now every time Kane is mentioned in a story it will always start with “accused rapist” or “sexual predator.” Deadspin really gets off to

God, I hate Burneko

You PC police are the worst. Running someone out of business bc of stupid stories on a stupid podcast. Who the hell do you think you people are??