
“The man also reported using crystal meth, cocaine, GHB, mephedrone, and ketamine during sex.”

I speak for all men. We’re on board.

No problem - as soon as we legislate that:

To everyone wondering about the insane number of sexual partners and how that’s even possible, it sounds like the man is a chem sex addict, which is someone who takes lots and lots of drugs while having sex parties with massive numbers of partners all at once. I do wonder what will happen when conservatives, who don’t

Or just addicted to drugs and going on sexual benders while high on meth.

It may not be 100% but for most people it seems to offer excellent protection. You can take down a battleship if you throw enough rocks at it.

ngl i read though as thought. but you can also take ur tone away now byeeeeeeeeeeee

Him running probably didn’t come out of left field, but him winning probably did.

Is your daughter in her car seat strapped to the regular seat? That’s what that looks like.

To me it is such a sexist vestigial remain. Like, she wasnt elected, she isnt getting paid for the position, but she is still expected to do a whole bunch of work because her husband is President. And people threw a shit-fit when Michelle Obama commented that there should be some kind of compensation for the First

They could’ve hired a black model.

People called Gigi Hadid racist for mocking a cookie, Zayn assured them that she isn’t, and then people got mad at him.

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

This is what I think is happening:

Our president is fat. And?

I hate arguments like that - how can you afford to do THIS when you want us to pay for THIS, because it just baffles me. I know the problem is that I view birth control as a basic healthcare need while this toad thinks it’s a luxury, but it’s still a concept I can barely wrap my head around - like the idea that poor

How about a dark reboot where the shattered family comes to grips with their father’s incarceration for sexual abuse, and how it forces them all to question the Christian dogma they have heretofore blindly adhered to.

As access to abortion becomes more restricted and people continue to believe sex education encourages sex, more botched at home abortions will happen. Men and women against abortion will insist these laws save lives, will pay no attention to ho many it ruins and continue to believe anyone who dies attempting abortion

Wow, someone feels different from you.

Chrissy Teigan is beautiful and witty and eloquent so you shut your mouth.