That would mean believing the word of an LGBT POC over a member of Americas Private Security Complex.
That would mean believing the word of an LGBT POC over a member of Americas Private Security Complex.
{sigh} No. Not maddeningly Journey. Yes, it is super fun to make fun of how cheesy they are. However, they did not spawn into existence when the song “Faithfully” came out. They have a massive career that occurred before that and their music was very well written and as musicians they were extremely talented. …
Tina Turner isn’t even in there on her own. She has to share it with Ike. That’s some high level misogyny there, making a woman who is a legendary musician in her own right, share her hall of fame status with her abuser.
Why would they be proud that it takes 3 of them to add up to one brain?
Whenever I hear about incidents like this I think of Shirley Jackson’s short story The Lottery, which appeared in the New Yorker years ago. She and the magazine received a ton of hate mail because of the story. I never understood why because the story deals with pointless and cruel customs that get passed on…
In the comics, Swinton’s character is a stereotypical “wise Asian” character, which many people find offensive. Rewriting that role as a white woman removes that, and creates a role for a woman. And then, they wrote a new Asian role and cast an Asian actor. No Asian actors lost work, a role for a woman was created, a…
If kissing your toddler on the mouth is offensive someone lock me up, because there is nothing better than when baby pink drink lays one on me!
To paraphrase Chris Rock:
Cosby could walk in any America that has ever been thus far. Sexual assault has never been given the dastain and serious it deserves in our legal systems. Starting with the law enforcement and ending with the jurors that feel “there by for the grace of god go I” about it. Boys will be boys and girls shouldn’t drink so…
He, personally, owes China half a billion dollars.
Yet a four star general who did the same thing was never prosecuted.
“I know this will be a controversial opinion, but Manning knew what she was doing at the time. She leaked information that endangered the lives of sources and others. Her intentions here don’t matter—she is smart, worked in intelligence, and absolutely knew this was a potential consequence of her actions.”
I put it in the same category as Pence showing up to watch Hamilton after all of the fucked up things he’s said about and tried to do to LGBT people. You shit all over us, and then you want us to sing and dance for you and make you laugh? No. Fuck you.
I think it’s what happens when you like bareback but oppose abortion.
This *is* the rule of law. This is literally why the electoral college exists. As Alexander Hamilton said, the electoral college is designed to ensure “that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”
That was the past, man. You’re living in the present – 2016 – where the future moves backwards.
Plus it’s not the girlfriend’s fault they broke up. He was obviously seeing someone on the side.
I was actually highlighting that because I thought it was hilarious.
She’s a woman who complained about something. Let’s root for her to work at Sonic next.