Imperator Furiosa

I started the booty song movement

The ROC do really, really good work. They're basically the primary opponents of the restaurant NRA, who are pretty much Snidely Whiplash and his Band of Merry Sociopaths.

The virgin Mary was the immaculate conception in that she was born without original sin, the phrase doesn't mean being knocked up by God. Thus ends my pedantry for the day.


Given the article itself, my thinking is more that the question asked of Jayaraman was along the lines of describing the ways Colicchio has handled various issues, and that was a throw-in. Believe me, from my dealings with ROC, I have real trouble believing anyone involved in that organization would ever try to

I give a lot more weight to the first part of that quote. Generally, if the ROC says you've been doing a good job as far as wage issues, you've probably been doing a good job as far as wage issues.

Anywhere you go let me go too. That's all I ask of you!

Like special dog, whilst moving.

guys help

i cannot explain the strange, upset internal keening sound i am making in my mind right now.

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

I literally rolled my eyes at the bit where Amy's in college and cries rape against her boyfriend just because he pissed her off, and his reputation and life were ruined forever. Yeah, Gillian Flynn, that's, um, totally how it works....

How dare you imply that Jeremy Renner would ever move to Phoenix.

At last, evidence that you should always bring Spears to a knife fight.

"Feminist" Boyfriend

Here's a great, highly informational & encouraging graphic from my OB/GYN's office.


Hahaha when I read that I just remember that look Amy gave Doogie Houser in Gone Girl when he took the creme brulee out of her hands hahahahaha.

Matt, quit making burners to post about how hot you are. We've discussed this.