I was giving my husband a BJ and suddenly he got the giggles. I look over and here are my 2 cats just staring at me. Yes, I fuck in front of my pets because if I keep the door closed, they'll just paw and head butt the door, which ruins sexy times even more. Apparently, not only were my pervy cats watching us, but…
I really don't think "a minority group" was the butt of his joke, unless you're counting 'People who own NFL teams' as the minority in question. And the fact that Colbert is a privileged white male is part of the joke - most of the jokes are that he is the most privileged of all people.
Because we have great minds, that become doctors that cure diseases, and a top-of-the line healthcare system(that most of us can't access)- and as a result, rich white men are living longer. This means the Republican Party gets to hold on to an aging, backwards-thinking population for a few more decades, when they…
Every once in a while, I come across an article that signals it's time to call it a day. This wins. Good night, internets. See you tomorrow.
No. I will not shut up. There's a difference between writing a good headline and the "Most amazing story you'll see all day!" garbage HuffPo (and Gawker sometimes) is known for. That is the fucking worst.
If Princeton has officially snubbed her, can we stop referring to her as "Princeton Mom"? How about "The Woman Formerly Known as Prince-ton Mom"?
But if you don't look both ways before crossing the street, and I hit you with my car, IT IS STILL MY FAULT. Whether or not it could have been avoided by you taking other precautions is more or less irrelevant since I HIT YOU WITH MY CAR.
Pete Kelly obviously has a very legitimate crusade against FAS, as it has clearly destroyed his higher reasoning abilities.
If you guys can manage to lure him out onto the ice, I can call up my bear cousin Vinny Two-Claws to take him for a ride. By which I mean, eat his face off.
So, these cupcakes being dispensed from an ATM are valid currency?
My first thought was to dismiss this because it's really dumb, but then my second thought was to just let you get pilloried for it because it's dumb.
You guys: did you not pay attention to the fact that he has shown good behavior for four years now?! In four whole years, he hasn't tortured, killed, chopped up, or fed to dogs a single person. Why aren't we talking about all those dudes in prison he hasn't massacred?
See this would have to be a daily proposal, because I would say yes BUT THEN ALL THE PIZZA WOULD BE EATEN AND I WOULDN'T LOVE HIM AS MUCH ANYMORE.
So... basically... we should be drinking vodka prophylactically? Just in case we one day ingest some antifreeze? You can never be too careful, you know.
Sometimes I think about two women doing a spell... and then I do a spell by myself.
Hot tamales or warheads have no business going anywhere near the sex room. That's a..............