A woman who couldn't finish her own job lecturing about leadership?
A woman who couldn't finish her own job lecturing about leadership?
Teach them to live by the rules set in place
I am just going to wait for all the pro spanking people to flame this thread with how they don't have anger management issues (in all caps).
which is tattooed with the phrase ""STRONG E nuf 4 A MAN BUT Made 4 A WOMAN"
Then this asshole showed up...
“I did all that I can, It’s not about the gold medal. It’s about the fact that I participated in the Olympics for the second time.” Yuna Kim said after the competition. Yuna personifies the true Olympic spirit; others would do well to reconsider their definition of sportsmanship and grace.
How about engagement cock rings instead?
Look, tonight's Super Bowl XLVIII sucked.
My 11 year old son is THE BIGGEST football fan in the world. The ENTIRE world. He knows every stat for every team, every player. Everything. He became eligible to play tackle football last year and I made up every excuse in the book as to why he couldn't play. Much to his disappointment, he went back for that one,…
We laughed so hard at this comment here in my house. You need to know that.
Definitely read that as "Dead NFL Player Surprises Girls Who Wrote Him Adorable Note," and I enjoyed the twist ending where it turned out he was not dead at all.
I'd like to see NBC do this with their primetime schedule. I assume it's:
Tracie's trying to tell you that she's got a black friend.
So the lack of bass makes you incapable of listening to content? You may have a brain tumour!
But only if you were hacked.
One time, I attended a boxing match, and a hockey game broke out!!111