Imperator Furiosa


I've always hated how much the media intrudes on the field post-game (and during the game for that matter), interrupting a team's ability to celebrate for what is mostly just crowding the field and getting fairly stock post-game interviews. I've also usually hated it when things happen in sports that I think serve no

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Erin, you forgot your Beats By Dre headphones. Richard, calm the fuck down.

"And don't get me started on that bitch Evelyn."

If it's saying "work on improving your exorcise routine," at that point its just really specific advice for Catholic priests.

If the 49ers make the Super Bowl they need to have an always-on Harbaugh PIP cam so we can all watch all the time

Barkley approves.

No way, dude! Just give us two more weeks. If we go all the way this will be one of the best things to ever happen in our city. The city is exploding with excitement and anticipation. If you don't like it you don't have to participate, but I feel nothing but pride for my hometown!

I just watched Fruitvale Station for the first time with my redneckian racist father. I, of course thought this was going to be a horrible experience what with him being... well... racist? ANYWAY, my tough truck driving dad who is a member of the nra, CRIED (well, got teary and sniffley). When he read that the officer

Right on, Juan Pablo! We should be teaching our kids the the road to happiness begins with group dates, rose ceremonies, hot tubs, and multiple encounters in fantasy suites, all under the watchful eye of millions of television viewers. Because that is normal and not pervert.

I personally am outraged and plan to boycott the network for giving exposure to someone with such poor command of grammar and syntax. I guarantee you, my kids would be far more confused trying to puzzle out what this clown is saying than they would be by two daddies cuddling in the master bedroom.


The anniversary of my dad's death is coming up, and you asked for stories of "slight hauntings," so I think I'll share this story again:


Admit it, Jez. You were wrong.

I wanna hug you so much for saying that. You made me LoL my cough drop out of my mouth.

And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for

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