
What kind of idiots don't know that fruit snacks aren't good for you? Can they not read the ingredients?

Wrong. Precisely one man said that.

I've tried chocolate covered bacon. It was . . . interesting. And I love bacon.

If everyone buys just one bag of each out of curiosity, that's over 1.2 billion bags of chips. I don't know what their profit margin is, but that's a shitload of money.

This feels like deja vu.

The simple answer is they pay most of the audience $8 an hour to sit there and laugh on cue. The "guests," who are just there for fun, generally laugh along when the bulk of the (paid) audience does. (Disclaimer: I used to do this for a living.)

Sorry, Jonestown has been deserted since they ran out of kool-aid.

And then there was Toto.

Nevermind, found it!

Where's 8-Mile?

Brian Cox

Well aren't you a prize.

Wasn't Neil Young Canadian? How about Aerosmith instead for Massachusetts.

And he's so classy, too!

There's actually 2 petitions to deport him, and 3 to let him stay. And that's just on the main page of the site! SMH

Primeval, Torchwood, and Doctor Who!