Smilin' Desperado

Damien happens. It’s up to you whether it’s out of jealousy or just being a dick (although Dick is surprisingly chill).

Just curious, does Aubrey not have rhythm, or was no effort made to have her move at the same tempo as the song?

The Soup died for this.

That’s just within the Ultimate universe, where I believe all mutants were basically engineered from Wolverine. In the mainline Marvel U, mutants have existed in some form or another for millenia. Apocalypse dates back to ancient Egypt, for example. Wolverine is somewhat older than a century (although currently dead,

Well that’s what they get for using thin sheets of white plastic in a world full of lightsabers and high-speed bolts of energy that pierce metal like butter. The emperor clearly values the evil aesthetic of the white trooper armor over the life and survival of the troopers themselves.

Hmm. I wonder if it will. It’s likely. WW is going to have a good second week. Still you figure a 50-60% drop. That’s 40-50 million next weekend. GoTG is still going (weakly) and Pirates is still out there. Stiff competition. It’s still predicted to do 40-42 million opening weekend. Which personally I think should be

That dumb ass wrote a whole book on people having a good time on Halloween like it’s a bad thing. Fuck him anyway.

Nearly all of the out-and-proud Trump supporters I know (not many, since I’m the product of a liberal arts college and have spent the time since living in major Eastern metropolises) basically seem to support him largely to entirely because he OWNS libtards and snowflakes.

Add heels, you can easily change your game. Men can’t.

Oh I remember the Ewok movies, they were pretty cool actually. I have a lot of Star Wars stuff, I saw the original movies as a kid and I even got the Ewok Village. My mom forgot to give me Luke’s landspeeder and I have it in the box.

Definitely targeting a certain market with these.

No kidding. In one episode Brain goes into the recording studio to do a voice over for an advertisement - the entire thing is a word for word remake of a famous record of Orson Wells (the inspiration for Brain’s voice) doing the same advertisement while drunk and all out of fucks to give.

I had surgery when I was a kid in the 80s and I had a Wicket with me and they bandaged him too. I liked them at the time, they are goofy but I don’t mind them. I wouldn’t say they are a huge mistake like Jar Jar. It’s funny they could help the rebels.

I agree there was some adult humor, but re-watching old episodes as an adult, I think it’s important to point out that Animaniacs is really educational. I’ll probably watch with my nephew because the adult stuff will largely go over his head, and it’s worth it for him to learn geography or history or what is a good

I met one of those women via Tinder - her profile was Bath Salts and Anal. When I read that I knew I had to meet her.

A formal ethics complaint accusing the governor of using public office for private gain was filed against the administration last week by the chairman of Common Cause of Kentucky.

The skincare tips must be fascinating.

holy shit. That was a corner of the internet I didn’t expect to stumble through this morning.