Smilin' Desperado

The big picture is that she’s posting popsicle recipes while her husband is under investigation for espionage and treason. How is this remotely the same as the scandal-free previous ACTUAL First Lady? What we need to let go of is false equivalence that gives a pass to these criminals. Both sides do not do it, mofo.

No one wants to fuck spell checkers. It’s enough work to bust a nut without someone critiquing you for saying you’re “almost their”

I love referring to that movie as well when people talk about Crash. That movie was hot.

I think that every time. I only saw the none Oscar one.


But he’s SO GOT DAMNED WOKE! If this thinkpiece was a person, it would be Rachel Dolezal. So would half my newsfeed on Facebook, just a Santa’s scroll of posts by white guys about the awful white people.

Psh. As a long-time ANTM fan, I find this story highly suspect. Tyra can be a little crazy, sure, but she isn’t cruel.

OMG this is magnificent!!!

YOU WERE FOUR?!?! I was i college. Sigh. Why are we friends?

That’s exactly what I thought! I haven’t seen that movie in years. Although Virgin Suicides is also like Picnic at Hanging Rock. Maybe she’ll do a futuristic variation after this one.

View to a Kill is a must see. Walken as a nazi eugenics product-cum-bad guy, Graces Jones as his muscle, the ridiculous plot to corner the microchip industry by flooding silicon valley, so many fuckin’ blimps. That movie rules.

I get a kind of “The Hours” vibe more than a “Virgin Suicides” vibe but that’s just me. Something about the period dress, all the pale people standing around in white, saying things with hidden meanings.

Maybe you should give up your iPhone. Poor people and sick people are obviously bad or they wouldn’t be poor or sick. /s

They need people to go to work!? Motherfucker, I work about 38 hours a week (corporate overlords won’t allow us to even get close to overtime) for $10.25 an hour. I am on my state’s poor folks insurance (ACCHS). How much more can I be fucking doing? I am mentally ill and a recovering addict. I absolutely need my

On the other hand, if we can get The Dome to recap/review it, I would be happy no matter how bad it is.

It feels like I’m on the Dark Web and the Feds are gonna bust in and take my hard drive if I watch this.

You ought to know that people who don’t cause ire in others are in fact immortal. That’s just how human biology works. Being old and fat and fullof vile (meant to type bile but I’m leaving it) has no effect on mortality whatsoever, duh.

the vast majority of Fox employees were sad” about his exit, and that the outside hatred towards him is what “killed him.”

I could see a rogue gallery of (more) villains like this, all belonging to some organization with a cool S.P.E.C.T.R.E. name, like: