Smilin' Desperado

I want one of these things so bad. I’m a tacky person.

Apparently her mother ran the studio before she took it over. She danced until she was 12 or 13 and then she quit and started running the comp teams. She doesn’t run the day to day technique classes, she just comes in and fixes things and yells a lot.

I read someplace that Abby Lee thinks she’ll be able to teach dance in prison as her prison work.

Yeah, but despite these retreads, there really are a lot of offbeat shows out there. If I went back in time to the 1980's and told someone, that my favorite shows are about a young American pope, and Soviet spies posing as suburban parents in the DC suburbs of the 1980's, I think people would be shocked.

I’m still trying to resolve issues stemming from my Love Boat addiction.


Call me cynical, but yeah. I tend to suspect a lot of people self-identifying as non binary are tourists. Bowie wannabes.

Don’t the creators HAVE to say that? Otherwise it’s a show mostly about mocking a person with a disability.

Also probably pretty severe OCD given how extreme is need for order gets at times. Like he time Penny got paint on the couch cushion and just flipped it over and he was still bitchy so she had it dry cleaned and he still felt it was off.

Well, when you consider Trump was never popular as a candidate, that his toxic and dishonest personality is repulsive to liberals, that he lost the popular vote by millions only won the election because of an archaic system that gives outsized influence to small states where conservatives tend to dominate, I’m not

There was a tweet going around recently whenever his birthday was a few months ago, which I remember because it’s when I learned that I’m a few months older than he is. It was amazing to discover.

My question then is what does Linklater think of him!?!?! That’s a discussion I want to have.

‘Bitch’ is totally correct when referring to a female dog.

You know what, I personally can’t WAIT to see his orange (well, fishbelly white, most likely) ass bounced the eff outta Washington - and with high hopes that he takes that evil lizard person of a VP down with him. That said, I agree with her - we need to see what is *actually there*, not what’s been alleged on

Assuming impeachment is in the cards, I’m positive Trump will weasel out of any real consequences. There are multiple narratives floating out there  that Trumps actions aren’t due to any malevolence, but rather owing to the fact that he’s a low-information imbecile.

The show originally trafficked in bawdy but trite intimacies, but as its cast’s personal crises have intensified, its popularity has faltered.

Confession. I am 32 years old and just watched golden girls for the first time EVER. I’d just never been exposed to it though I knew the actors and that it existed in general. With my Hulu free trial (for the handmaid’s tale) I’ve been binging as much as possible and I regret all the lost time.

And why on earth would he be a molester of boys when his magazines alone proves he was into women (along with numerous testimonies by people who actually knew him and even video and audio tapes and notes all points to attraction toward females not males) Do you think a boy molester would need all these pictures of

I liked it better when you had no idea who the Pilot was, where Xenomorphs came from, etc. This is like writing Logan’s origin story. Just leave some things unknown!

Jesus Christ. Why can’t any IP die in peace?