Smilin' Desperado

Aren’t BPD people everything you described? Every year on Mother’s day there are comments upon comments of people lamenting that they were born to BPD mother’s and how poisonous and difficult and toxic they are. Lol.

YOU are the one assuming the pictured woman is the toxic instigator. Maybe she’s the victim. Go fuck yourself for that college class comment, btw.

It’s also a good article for those of us who have taken a college class, do understand context, and do possess critical thinking skills. Admittedly, I wasn’t sure what the problem was at first glance.

The PT article has nothing to do with toxic people having mental illness.

My wife has two degrees from UC Berkley, including a Women’s Studies minor and thought this article was a huge reach and actually chuckled a few times as I read it aloud to her (confession: I may have dramatized my reading a bit). I guess I should tell her that she has no critical thinking skills now?

This article is not about anything you said. It is only about the imagery. You should be asking why the article in PT was not commented on at all, if it is so problematic. Jez ignored everything you think they were talking about lol

My friends and I used to do something similar back in high school. One of us would claim we’d had sex and the others would vaguely remember what it was like. Oh the good ol’ days.

I follow some crazy Trump supporters on Twitter just to see what they think. Apparently, this was a well formed plan by Trump to prove people are leaking information to the press.

Don’t strain your twitter fingers finding Donald Trump tweets that directly contradict his actions as president. It’s all been well established - and ultimately, irrelevant, because he’ll continue to do whatever the fuck he wants and he could give 0 shits about literally any number of online commenters like us.

Sorry. The mermaid sofa. And thanks for the reply:)

Mulan and Root, anyone preshipping this?

The way I see/saw it was that everything in the first six seasons was inside the book the girl was holding, and that’s why the Henry at the end was a different person. I was drinking, though, so I may be wrong.

Nice to see they are going full soap opera with the show. No matter what actors leave the show must go on!

It’s the latter. There are many studies showing how you can manipulate memory really easily (a few studies referring to Witness Blindness).

I want to ask you where this is from, but I’m afraid of the answer.

She looks a little lost. Or that’s she’s trying to decide which was worse: pushing out a baby or lying under a moaning sack of wet corn husks for 5 minutes.

Wasn’t that a gift from Ellen Degeneres? Or another talk show host?

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Everything is made better with the Wonder Woman Theme...

A badly placed ad since the character has no inclination towards burgers.