Smilin' Desperado

The question now is if the Hague will get around to charging Duterte with crimes against humanity before or after his visit to the White House.

Compared himself to Hitler in aspiration!

These “work from home” spam bots are getting much more sophisticated.

Your grandma can’t even figure out how to use a fucking computer, and she presumably wasn’t in a coma for the past 20 years.

Including zombies? Totally okay. Including women? Where’s the realism! That’s not historically accurate!

Press X to pay respects.

Any species smart enough to traverse interstellar space would seem most likely to be interested in us for our entertainment value.

My co-worker hosted a field trip of preschoolers yesterday. And one of the kiddos was named Indica. Last week a child came in from separate field trip and they were named Sativa.

Anybody else into mid century modern/kitsch? We’re FINALLY moving our stuff into our first home together and I am fucking thrilled with how it’s coming along. Show me your shit!

Sheila! I loved her. She was also trying to pitch a book about her time as a Penthouse model, but as far as I know it never got published. But I would read it if it was. She at least was willing to be able to laugh at herself.

I want it up the butt? Just a guess.

What does a red bandanna tied around the thigh mean in hankie code?

To be fair, penises are REALLY hard to model and animate. Pretty sure there’ve been a couple articles on this site on the topic.

On the left it means he’s a fistee.

Do you think he knows? Red hanky on the left is a message to the adventurous, to be sure....

THANK YOU! The only people that invested in bandannas in the crotch/butt/pants region are signaling something else entirely...!


You guys are probably too young to remember the “Chachi is a heartthrob years”, but even though he was a sex symbol, people really never related to him like they do other celebs. Random aside: he tried to start a trend by wearing a bandana tied around the thigh of his jeans all the time. It was so stupid.

Axolotl, tufted deer and potoo bird are all cute, IMO.

And the fairy armadillo is a little badass.