Smilin' Desperado

The same reason that people who call themselves patriots like Putin because “he means what he says, the world respects him, and he hates Muslims”.

That’s such a Palpatine thing to do.

For some reason, the Chinese love Tom Cruise but will it even be released in China, what with their wacky laws about films involving supernatural monsters like ghosts?

I think it’s just one of those things that first time parents think is cute (taken to the extreme) but just leaves childless monsters like me groaning.

Notice how it says “mutations” and not “Mutants”. In the Marvel Universe, undergoing a mutation does not a Mutant make. That’s why superheroes like Spider-Man are classified as Mutates. The Celestials are responsible for ability to gain super-powers in general.

Some writers have hinted that the Celestials may be

I mourn The Soup everyday.

Are you being facetious? If not, you’re even more confused than VanMorbison. They’ve just got the main continuity mixed up with the Ultimate Universe, you’ve got the main continuity mixed up with the Ultimate and Earth X universes.

In the “real” Marvel Universe, Mutants are just the next step of human evolution. There

Who even knows anymore?

In the canon Marvel Universe, they’re still a product of evolution and the X-gene.

If we tell them how she was created by a liberal bondage enthusiast, who believed the world would be a Utopian paradise if it were led by women instead of men, I bet their heads would explode.

If that doesn’t work, we could tell them about the time that there was nearly an issue where Diana defended an abortion clinic,

I’ve run into Maher fans here, they lose their shit when you point out that Maher is a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect. That because he’s an atheist, he feels that gives him a pass to criticize moder medicine, while giving a platform to quacks, and science (see his recent rants against space exploration).


He issued an apology about an hour after you wrote this.

Apparently without even doing the most casual research on the history of Halloween. Halloween has never been a holiday solely for children.

The whole “fuck the PC police” shtick is a product of it’s time. I find it interesting how many of it’s champions like Jim Goad and Gavin McInnes have jumped aboard the alt-right bandwagon. 

He knows that Jesus was a hippie who spent most of his time hanging out in the desert with twelve other men preaching about carrying for the sick and feeding the poor, right?

With the Trump administration up to it’s nose in the Russia investigations, one of his most vocal critics in the GOP, Sen. Lindsey Graham, just announced...that he thinks he may have been unmasked the Obama administration and that he’s worried the Comey testimony willbe a “hit job” focusing only on Comey’s

Is anyone shocked? This is the woman who added “and weed” to Giuliana Rancic’s “I feel like [Zendaya] smells like patchouli oil” comments. Then (after fleeing the show like a rat from a sinking ship) said “I would never make that joke” when asked about the controversy.

Disgusting. People swarming to get a piece of the recently departed like vultures on carrion, Debbie hasn’t even gone a ye-

Unless you’re a Pharaoh.