Smilin' Desperado

I want to be a member of that group so badly. Like the way some people want to join country clubs. It’s very exclusive, I have to live vicariously through screen shots.

Have you heard anything about cards “signed” by Melania being sent out asking for donations as a birthday present to Trump? I read it somewhere, but it didn’t seem like a reliable news source, so I’m not sure how true it is.

No it exists. I like to watch it with a my special White Russian recipe (no ice, hold the vodka, and hold the kahlua).

Is she a member of Methbabes? (Yes, that’s a real FB group and yes it’s made up of women who love meth and the drama that goes along with it.)

That’s exactly what I mean. Have you seen any of those directors films? Women are just hysterical caricatures.

I don’t think she’s just talking about diversity. People are focusing on the last part of what she said, but skipping the first part about her being “disturbed”. I think, specifically, she’s talking about the kind of films that aren’t just acceptable at Cannes but are usually lauded and it’s been going on for years.

Well, at least she didn’t ask for Dijon mustard on a hamburger or shop at J. Crew.

But how much DIe Antwoord is there?

Scott: The Duellists, Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, The Martian

Blomkamp: District 9

Yeah, Scott is the bad director compared to the guy who released a two hour long Die Antwoord video.

I think there was talk of him trading in the Android for an iPhone right before his trip.

Maybe he’s gone full Caligula and opened up a red light district in the White House.

Fake! Not a single Chaswasser.

A bit late, but to all the Grease 2 lovers, you have to listen to the Grease 2 episode of How Did This Get Made? June’s love for Grease 2 is adorable, especially when she feels compelled to sing along with the songs and mimic the dance moves.

Shouldn’t there be some sort of secret code like “Candygram” or something, to make sure no sharks get in?

Me too. I think the closest that I came to seeing the Oscar one was Oscar night. A song from the film was nominated, and they performed some weird interpretive dance synopsis for the film.

Someone should totally do a ballet based on the Ballard Crash.

Yeah. Their son was in a bad nu-metal glam band. I remember because Paris and Nicole use to wear his band’s paraphernalia on The Simple Life

Yes. The appeals process and keeping someone holed up in a private cell 24/7 does cost more than just putting someone in with the general population.

Despite holding a position that is supposed to be non-partisan, Comey was trying to make his party happy.

Except to dolphins. Was this a family of dolphins?

How do you know these anonymous parents are screaming snowflakes at people?