Smilin' Desperado

I believe Copploa has cited Picnic at Hanging Rock has a major influence on her work, so you can see it in all of her films to an extent. It’s most obvious in The Virgin Suicides which is like modern (postmodern?) Gothic and Marie Antoinette, a period piece that’s pretty to look at.

When you bring that Gothic

*Cough*Picnic at Hanging Rock*Cough*

No. I have it on good authority that thousands of English children and their surrogate insect families use peaches to sneak into this country illegally and take over our monuments and liberal New York welcomes them with open arms.

Oh, you poor child, I’m going to tell you this like I’m ripping off a band-aid...

Watergate lasted 2 1/2 years.

Let’s start a petition to bring back The Dome.

I’ve read statistics that only a little over 1% of people who use welfare services/programs are taking advantage of them and that starting programs to try and sniff those frauds out is impractical because it ends up costing more money than it would to just let that tiny sliver of a percent go, but then I was assured

I hear the key to becoming wealthy is inheriting it from your rich parents and/or grandparents bootstraps. You buy some nice qualityh bootstraps and then you pull yourself up by them.

And another - Preacher - isn’t even about superheroes.

Didn’t Riddler confirm the origin that Joker gives in The Killing Joke meaning (in the official canon) the Joker is just some random Joe hired by the mob to play a role and Batman was directly responsible for him falling into the chemicals?

Nope. The Nolans got it from Jeph Loeb. I forget whether it’s The Long Halloween or Dark Victory but I’m pretty sure there are some panels in one of them where Carmine Falcone’s daughter Sofia goes on a tirade about Batman attracting “the freaks”.

Using your platform to talk crap about someone’s religion doesn’t cause any harm.

Nor do the Russians forget about loose ends and when you’re out there in the world, they can get to you.

Then I’ll make my own list with my own rules!

I think Sherilyn Fenn confirmed it on a podcast a few years ago. Which makes it more of a she said/they said kind of thing, but I don’t think Fenn has any reason to lie.

You can’t pin the second season on Lynch. ABC order the show for a full season, which he wasn’t enthused about because he had committed to directing Wild at Heart, and then forced him and Mark Frost to reveal the killer before the second season was even halfway over.

Then, when people started criticizing the second

I don’t think M*A*S*H should count since the theme song was adapted from the film. Neither should any theme song that used a song that was not written for the show (e.g. Andrew Gold’s “Thank You for Being a Friend”). Also, where the hell is “Making Our Dreams Come True” from Laverne & Shirley.

Yeah, that must be it, a vast conspiracy by three agencies that under normal circumstances don’t get on well with each other. Clearnly, instead of following protocol and not releasing evidence in an ongoing investigation to the public at large, they’re just pulling stuff out of their asses. That tinfoil hat you’re

You’re right. It’s not like three separate intelligence agencies confirmed that Russia interfered with the US Election, and just a few weeks ago they tried the same tactics on another countries election.

Now, tell me the story about the sex trafficking ring in the basement of a basement-less pizzeria.

A number of reasons:
1.) They’re delusional.

 2.) They know he’s a disaster but Republicans could put a little rabbit in the White House, who just spends the whole day chewing on grass at his desk, and they would be happy because at least it’s not a Deomcrat.

3.) They see an incompetent buffoon like Trump as a

Why? Niall is all man. Boys do not have butt fur.