Smilin' Desperado

As a big TG fan, thank you guys for doing this interview. TG is one of those groups that rarely get any acknowledgement for their influence and when they do, it usually focuses on Gen or Sleazy.

To be fair, Danielle’s comment made sense in Whedon’s original script for this comments section.

Other other fun fact: The special effects studio that made them was based out of Northampton where Dr. Martens was made for years. The shoes boots are now on permanent loan from Dr. Martens to The Northampton Museum.

Fun Fact: Elton John took that role on the condition that he be allowed to keep the boots. He auctioned them off for charity in 1988 where they were purchased by the R. Griggs Group, the parent company of Dr. Martens.

Are you directing this at me? Where did I say that smoking Marijuana makes things better?

You’re just pissed because Ivana stole your look, Patsy.

If you’re depending on advertising to give you any indication of how well a product is going to work, I have some bad news for you. Unlike most of the world, in the US, beauty companies are allowed to flat out lie to the consumer.

There was a recent mascara ad that ran simultaneously in the UK and the US. In the UK,

(I need to apologize in advance, I’m having trouble giving stars today. It says that I’ve starred a comment but the stars don’t seem to take.)

No, but I bet if you slow it down just right, it sounds downright Lovecraftian.

1.) While there are a number of trans women who begin to explore their gender identity through drag, very few drag performers identify as trans.

2.) Marsha/Malcolm struggled with figuring out his gender identity throughout his life but in the end (literally days before he died) told a reporter that he identifies as a

This is a discussion about religions. Not obscure fringe cults.

...dha? Think about it.

But was it as good as this:

The only way to save yourself from Wall-E is to accept our one true savior Mike Wazowski into your heart.

When do they team-up with Andy Warhol and Nico?

Stop staring Barbara, we all know Dick has a great ass.

Deep. Like something out of a Sartre play.

Thank you. I’m going to start reading every Trump transcript like it’s Heather Graham and Julianne Moore having a coke fueled conversation in Boogie Nights.

Duchamp has been there and done that.

Walter Keane literally signed his name to Margaret’s work. How is that not stealing? He was even found guilty of defamation in court and ordered to pay Margaret $4 million.

You’re not supposed to iron knitwear, it fucks the fabric up.