Smilin' Desperado

Is your stove hot? How you can tell with just your bare hand... but shouldn’t.

Aside from weed and hallucinogenics, there are very few drugs that you’re able to just use recreationally.

Compared to the novel, they definitely kept a lot of things out that would have made it more horrifying and on par with something like Requiem for a Dream and wasn’t at all what I would call “boring”.

Off the top of my, I know that there was a subplot in the novel about Sick Boy getting teenage girls hooked on heroin

There’s no doubt we wanted to,” he says. “We wanted to capture the energy of what it is to be transgressive. And they’re the ultimate transgressors — heroin is the farthest out there. We wanted to do what the book does. You live inside it; part of that is the excitement and pleasure of drug-taking.

There are a number of problems with your solution.

1.) Most addicts become addicted before the age of 25, so their brains aren’t even fully developed yet. Try reasoning with a teenager or twenty-something, it doesn’t work. I don’t know if it varies from state to state, but I can remember being bombarded with drug

I knew it was someone who went on to be famous but I remember it being Hillary Swank for some reason.

They’re just full on Captain Planet villains now, huh?

Why is the guy from Little Britain working as a flight attendant for American Airlines?

And the fact that like 98.9% of PS1 games were developed in Japan. Why would a Japanese developer focus on a case that most people in the United States weren’t even aware of?

I think I brought this up a few weeks back, but if you’re interested in just how bat shit insane the MPAA is, I highly recommend the documentary This Film is Not Yet Rated. It goes into how absurd the MPAA rating system is and even looks at how (at the time at least) films with queer subject matter were treated more

It wasn’t. It was supposed to be a one-shot like Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?. I believe Moore has said that, if he had known DC would make it a part of the official continuity, he would have never had Barbara Gordon be crippled.

They always make these things glamorous, they never explore the fact that Versailles was a shithole. Literally, there were only handful of public toilets and (because Versailles wasn’t built near a body of water) there was no waste management system, so everything was just overflowing with shit.

Oh, and if you wanted

No matter what, I think we all agree that we should never ever, ever let Ped Nugent (or his wife Shemane Nugent who also has a Facebook page) forget that time when he was 32 and wrote a song about fucking 13 year olds, and followed that up a few months later by trying to adopt a 17 year old so he could fuck her

Have you tried not being “that guy”, asshole?

I feel like if the government were hiding aliens we would not only know about it by now but we would either be:

A.) Promised that we’re going to build a tremendous wall to keep the aliens out.
B.) Assured that we have the best aliens.

How has Jez made it through the day without acknowledging this happened yesterday?

Eh, the Madonna video runs into the same issues. She’s an Italian-American from Detroit, I don’t think burning crosses and a gospel choir are really her’s to use (even if it is in the context of a well intention-ed message about racism.)

No! Speaking as some from Appalachia. Don’t you ever, ever call them hillbillies! Redneck is fine.

One is from Idaho and the other two are from Michigan. They’re so far north, they’re touching tips with Canada.

I don’t know. That Trump is pretty selective about who gets to meet him. Did he at least write a song about the rape?

Which is why he signed to Warner again in 2014? I love Prince, but the Warner dispute was a giant temper-tantrum. I don’t recall any slaves being given a Board of Directors chair by their masters.