
Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:30pm-Cartoon Network)
“We’ve Got Pests”- Pests are causing trouble in the bodega, and KO, Enid and Rad have to get rid of them.

Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:30pm-Cartoon Network)
“Presenting Joe Cuppa”- KO wants to help washed up comedian Joe Cuppa get back into the spotlight.

Animation Thread

Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:30pm-Cartoon Network)
“Just Be a Pebble”- KO eats a piece of candy that instantly increases his size.

Ok KO! Lets Be Heroes (6:30pm-Cartoon Network)
"You Are Rad"- KO forgets to bring his name tag to work, so Rad gives him his own, but now everyone thinks KO is Rad.

Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:30pm-Cartoon Network)
“You Get Me”- Enid gets turned to stone by a vengeful wizard, and KO has to find a way to change her back.

Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:10pm-Cartoon Network)
“Do You Have Any More in the Back?”- Rad is sent to go get an item from the back room for a customer’s request.
“My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad”- KO accepts a challenge brought on by a bully that his dad can beat up KO’s mom.

Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:10pm-Cartoon Network)
“Sibling Rivalry”- KO partners up with Daryl and Shannon to retrieve the sign to Gar’s from newcomer robot Raymond.
“I Am Dendy”- KO helps a fellow classmate repair her backpack by getting the necessary parts for it.

Oh yeah I've seen that show too. The premise is definitely interesting, having Chuck choose what happens next in the episode. I have to watch more of it.

That short is really adorable, I love it!

Animation Thread

Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes (6:10pm-Cartoon Network)
“Jethro’s All Yours”- Jethro, a low-level robot, keeps being sent to Gar’s, and KO is left to deal with them.
“You’re Level 100!”- KO gets a Pow Card that shows he’s level 100, making him popular around the plaza.

Ok KO! Let's Be Heroes (6:10pm-Cartoon Network)
"Let's Be Heroes"- KO goes with his mom to work and discovers a bodega that could be the path to becoming a hero.
"Let's Be Friends"-KO tries to get hired at Gar's Bodega and attempts to befriend workers Enid and Rad.
"You're Everybody's Sidekick"- Enid doesn't see the

This movie is a perfect example of how little care corporations give about animation and only see it as a way to get money out of people. Fuck you Sony and your stupid cash-grab movie.

Animation Thread

Poor Fern….

Animation Thread

Had his name been Jib, I would've thought he stole it from an episode of Ed Edd n Eddy.

Yeah, this Saturday at 7 I believe!

Animation Thread