
For some reason I could never get into beer. It just tastes like carbonated salt water to me.

I barely use it anymore, but I keep my account as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. Twitter certainly can't do that, but I enjoy it much more than Facebook.

You leave Butters out of this!!

This new font feels weird…

Clarence (5:30pm-Cartoon Network)
"Capture the Flag" (Half-Hour Special)- Clarence and the rest of the kids split into four groups and play an intense game of Capture the Flag.

The Loud House (5pm-Nick)
“The Old and the Restless”- Lincoln takes his “Pop Pop” for a memorable day out once he sees how temporarily tame he’s become in his late years.

Animation Thread

The Loud House (5pm-Nick)
“Intern for the Worse” (Season 2 Premiere)- Lincoln and Clyde compete against each other for the manager position while interning at Flip’s business.

The Loud House (5pm-Nick)
“Snow Bored”- Lincoln and the other Loud siblings help Lisa learn what’s so “fun” about a snow day.


The Loud House (5pm-Nick)
“Funny Business”- Luan hires Lincoln as an assistant for her various entertainment gigs, only to become jealous when Lincoln starts getting more of the attention.

I had a good feeling about this episode when I read the description, great to see that it didn't disappoint.

That's cool, but, can it just end there? I like the show, but it needs to rest for like… ever. It can only go so long before the people watching it and working on it eventually get sick and tired of it.

Well, it certainly was a magical experience. I'll try to catch the others when I can.

I heard the fourth one was good, but the fifth one sucked.

I mean, I was watching AMC when it came on, so I was like "eh, I'll bite."

I've only seen the third Die Hard movie and enjoyed it. I bet if I saw the first one, it would blow the third one right out of the water.

Seems right. I've enjoyed the show up to this point, it seems right that they end it now.

But….. I love everyone.

See that's the thing, I've tried that, but I never really know when enough is enough. Sometimes I lift the bread up to see if its browned enough, but I end up putting it back for another 3 minutes.