
Though I do not condone this being done in real life, I have always wanted to get a math major to to plot a curve for speed on one axis and a distance on the other for how fast you could pass a speed trap with a police vehicle at standstill and where they would catch up.

Oh I hear you brother! Doing 80 in a 70 zone on 66 is considered reckless with potential for jail time. At least we are allowed to have radar detectors...oh wait..nevermind.

A 1999 Jeep Wrangler Sport. My girlfriend (now wife) complained about it in the summer it was too hot so I installed A/C. She complains on the highway to this day because it’s too loud and uncomfortable. She complains she doesn’t like borrowing it when the nanny has to take our car for the day with the kids because

Ever notice they don’t test cars in Virginia...thanks to 80 mph in the 70 mph gets you a reckless driving ticket with possible jail time. Don’t ask me how I know so much about Virginia traffic laws. Ahhh, the commonWEALTH of VA.

I’ll explain after I go to court in a few weeks for doing 85 in a 55 on 495, and shell out $1500 for an attorney. Fun times.