
It’s a fishing knot called a uni-knot. I knew it the second I saw it, and I don’t even fish.

The harassment side of the argument breaks down slightly because Steph’s argument is specifically targeted at competitive gaming and that having a non-standard voice is blocking people from rising in the ranks.

The argument used by Activision is essentially that AM General vehicles are apart of history and fall into public domain (for the most part). The reason why this doesnt apply to other sports games and racing titles is because those companies have the right to approve of the manner their vehicles will be displayed and

This car is brilliantly cool. Makes the brown-gold paint look great too, which is might be more rare than the car itself.

Lots of people think going fast means making fast inputs, often it's the opposite.  Normal inputs should be deliberate and consistent, recovery inputs should be fast and decisive.

I highly doubt this was written by anyone with a remotely passing knowledge of the law, it’s bordering on discrimination.

Manual transmission: I actually find the dealer is less likely to deal on these vehicles, unless they are odd-ducks like a manual commuter car.  Otherwise I think many dealers have realised that the 3 pedal will eventually sell because it's a niche market. 

My current theory is Trump wants to roll back these regulations because they include penalties for major fleet companies that include heavy fines if the companies don’t meet the terms.

Played the Japanese like a fiddle.

I think it's less a millennial thing and more an informed buyer thing. Back in the 90s and earlier the information just wasn't available to make real informed decisions. Sure you had original msrp and kbb, but ultimately those were limited resources. Now I can see the car for sale the next town over, the next state,

Thats falsifying a report. If you have an accident and your alone, just go home. You can still report the accident the next day, key being you aren’t drunk.

As a friend's lawyer once told us,  "the smartest thing he did that night was flee the scene of the accident."

I disagree, it’s so awful that you should go see it. To correctly describe Cats, I like to think of it as an Eldritch Horror, A Thing that Should Not Be. The cast is talented and established, the script is adequate and writers up to the task, actual love and effort went into the making of this. But it is no

I’m not exactly sure what you are trying to say or ask, but yes; It could have went supernova the year Columbus set sail for India and we would die before realizing it occurred already.

Going off the first point, and working on electrical systems for a living.

He’s actually a really good dude who does a lot for the WoW community.  Yeah he plays up a character sometimes, but his audience finds it funny.  And when asked about it, he will admit freely that he may be critical of the game, but he loves it and the community, and he plays up that dynamic at times.

Forza stopped development and support for FM7 and there hasn’t been an announcement that a new game is coming anytime soon. 

Hard to tell the extent to which the “bike is unridable” but we have been hearing it for a few years now that MM is the undisputed #1 at Honda.

I can almost guarantee that there is a survivor bias going on with data that states helmets don’t save lives. Likely due to helmets on a bike probably reduce the crash to the point it isn’t even reported as a crash. Bike helmets aren’t very robust, any crash with enough force to guarentee a head injury is also going

To simplify the answer from what you've gotten, if you wanted to make a black hero or Asian hero, they generally wound up looking like RDJ in Tropic Thunder, but think more along the lines of White Girls (Wayans Bros) level of uncanny valley.  I tried multiple times, but really the dark skin choice looked closer to