I. C. Weiner

Not contractually. Forced upon management by law. Did you even read the article?

Don’t you get it??? Global WARMING, err CLIMATE CHANGE causes Autism!!! It’s OK though, CLIMATE CHANGE has scrambled your brain also to make you think it’s a drug doing it. We feel sad for you. We shall redouble our effort to STOP Man made catastrophic warming, err, Global WARMING, err, Climate Change!

A power targa roof? Next year I suppose Mazda will add power doors too?

I want to make sure I understand your position.

Climate Change has happened for millions of years on the planet, Never once has it burned to a crisp and killed all life. Feel free to feel stupid about making a prediction that millions of years of history says can NOT come true.

See, there’s the rub. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING, warmists have put out there for the last 18 years has been disproven. Facts are, there has NOT been “worse weather” over the last 10 years, it’s been mild. ZERO hurricanes have made land in florida for some record amount of time now. Where’s the headline about that?

When’s the Gawker Fire Sale to pay Hulk off start?

When’s the Gawker Fire Sale to pay Hulk off start?

Against the law.

Powell had a government provided server in his secret service secured home on a government network.

Cable companies were required to build out every city they got a franchise in.

Um, what? People of color Assimilate just fine. You are one of the few people that seem to think color matters.

So equity means taking away from people that worked hard to become successful and handing it to slackers? Lol

The larger issue is making the subjugation of any one group “worse” and worthy of reparations.

So you consider every adult human on the planet a part of the birth mother’s body? How ridiculous.

I bet you don’t look at children. I bet being around them now makes you uncomfortable.

When are women going to approve forced abortions at the request of the father? How is “I am not ready to be a mother” an excuse for abortion but “I am not ready to be a father” is not?

The owner of Paragon brought this on himself when he let his buddy sell his car there.

You do realize there are hundreds of islands around the world that an 8 inch increase in sea level would make disappear right? Where's the news of all these missing islands?

High tides are rising. Learn to read. The sea level is not. But keep on cherry picking your data, it only makes you look ignorant.

CO2 is plant food. They grow bigger and faster with more. Also, there is massive amounts of plant life in the northern hemisphere that sleeps months during winter. Guess what happens when winter is shorter? Yup, they use up more CO2 and put out more O2.