I. C. Weiner

CO2 has gone up, but it’s not even close to the all time high in the planet’s history.

Please explain how heat gets “trapped” on a planet who’s atmosphere is surrounded 100% by cold cold cold space, which is almost at absolute zero, around it.

So, let’s not even look at the facts, that’s what you want right?

Speaking of cherry picking, there are thousands of peer reviewed papers that show there can never be run away catastrophic global warming, like your supposed “consensus” scientists try to scare you into believing.

LOL, rolling stone.

LOL, criminal?

Maybe you need to look up the world "average"?

It’s funny. Now that most of the USA has caught on to this re-imaging of “man made catastrophic global warming” as “climate change” the warmists are going to have to start calling it something else again. May I suggest they include kitten pictures in the next attempt to fool the general population with whatever they

Nobody denies climate change. We do object to your attempt to change the fucking meaning of the term to “Man Made Catastrophic Global Warming” though.

LOL, what you just said is so retarded. El Nino warms up the entire planet. Period.

It was El Nino warmer. Something nobody hear seems to understand.

It’s called “el Niño”, get a fucking clue.

Still in the top 5% of the COLDEST years in the last 10,000.

LOL, try looking up the history of science. You will see your entirely stupid belief system has been taken up by suckers and followers thought history.

Last year was still in the top 5% of the coldest years in the last 10,000.

LOL, you work in science but you don’t have a clue how the scientific method works.

Longer growing seasons. More land that can produce food for humans. Plants using more CO2 because of longer warm seasons.

Most of the USA thought slavery was fine at one time. So we should go back to that?

You realize the earth has no glass ceiling? That 100% of our surface is open to the absolute zero temperature of space?

CO2 has continued to go up, the temperature has not. We are not causing a catastrophic global warming.