I. C. Weiner

Gotcha, no money for the life savers of the poor, but let’s pay those Planned Parenthood baby part harvesters!

So basically, you and your husband have no problem taking the money of people you think are degenerates?

It’s so Seventeenth century to kill babies? Good to know.

Because killing the unborn is practicing medicine?

Zero women died.

Or wait for some dumbass to total one, and rebuild it.

Do you live in a cave and make everything you consume?

Actually, no.

LOL, you are confused.

No warming, as was predicted by the Man Made Catastrophic Global Warming “consensus) for 18 years now.

So next time you need to get to the Hospital, remember you are going to walk there.

That means removing the same subsidies for every manufacturing and general business.

People only want electric cars if taxpayers make the price competitive.


General Welfare does not mean they can abridge your freedoms.

You do know there’s a couple millennia of disproven “science” out there, right?

You have the right to work your rear off, and kill yourself with smokes.

LOL, always love to laugh at people that throw up a few made up percentages that have no basis in reality.


If you’re going to say that, you should have some facts about it. (which you don’t).