
Party foul.

Scenario: would-be rapist (75% likely to be known and/or trusted by the would-be victim) begins being rapey toward an armed would-be victim. WBV pulls gun on WBR - in how many of these instances out of 100 would you assume that same firearm c/would be taken from WBV and used against her as further pressure to

"...when Bonsall asked for Moore's friend for his name for the to-go order, the friend showed her his Facebook page..."
Is it just me, or is this sentence really, terribly, awfully written? What in the actual fuck went down? Did Bonsall ask person X to get Moore's friend so she could ask Moore's friend what Moore's

Surprise! She's white!

I used to work for a safari company and so this makes me especially happy. Wild animal = wild animal = wild animal. I don't care how hungry you are for a juicy 'gram or status update; you takes your chances. This girl got what she deserved.

I'd love it if we could start a discussion about the most effective ways to fend off the moochers. I don't like giving my smokes away to strangers but I don't want to be an asshole. I usually end up using the obvious "Oh sorry man this is my last one" lie, or a slight variation "Oh sorry I actually bummed this one!"

"a leaking canoe full of emulsified dick-meats." Yes, this. All of this.

Stepping up to the plate to be 1 of many posts scolding you for spoiling this for a lot of fans. Would it really be so difficult or offensive to be vague in the headline and include an alert? Have some consideration.

YES THIS. The previously-complained-about man with shaved forearms (*sideshow Bob shudder*) texts me with totally pointless bullshit and when I ignore it I can feel his pout. I really need to tell him I'm dunzo. It's been 2 dates (okay, and 1 fuck on the first date) dude. I don't need or desire to hear your

I feel about improv guys like you feel about actors. They're all extraordinarily self-obsessed yet socially awkward weirdos. Immediate exclusion.

I've been on two dates with a guy, both went well until I realized OH MY GOD he shaves his forearms. They're prickly and pale. I feel nauseous and seriously don't think I'll see him again. He also claps like a magnanimous fucker. Shudder.

I don't pretend to know whether any one / all / none of these stories are accurate, but I'm confused about one thing: how could these stories be proven? Would there actually be any way to bring him to justice if they are true? There's no physical evidence, it seems to me to be a case of he said / she said. I'm not

my day = made. This dog is an inspiration tbh.

My cat does this, but standing, and with his back legs only. He does this with paper and with plastic bags and it's frankly a little disturbing. He just stands, ears back, generally just staring forward into the abyss, and shred... shred... shred... kickkickkickspin shred... shred... shred until the object is

The RCC connection is only touched upon, but if you're looking for a great introduction to / analysis of the Rwandan genocide, please read Mahmood Mamdani's When Victims Become Killers. His self-assigned task in this book is to make the genocide thinkable. Think about that!

But... why is it taco OR beer?

"My kids are my life! My kids are my world! My kids are uber amazing wonders of the universe! I would be nothing without my kids! ...Stop defining me by my motherhood!"

Not ALL moms, but, c'mon. If some women choose to gloat constantly about their roles as mothers, then they don't get to winge when that's all some

Reminds me too: I was in high school taking a field trip, on the bus on a pretty major highway (I'm from Vermont, anything more than 3 lanes is pretty major to me). Traffic was thick but flowing and then, a few vehicles in front of us, the back doors of an unmarked, large white van flew open. What came tumbling out,

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.